Letter of Introduction Cuban Legal Association

«There are human beings incarnating the Law, and it
can become simple and invincible as a physical condition.¨
José Martí
Among the countless problems the Cuban people face today, one of the most pressing is the citizenry – Law – authorities triad. The reason for this is that, on the one hand, citizens have an almost total ignorance of the Constitution, laws, and decrees. On the other, the (conscious or unconscious) disregard towards legality with which authorities conduct themselves.

Moreover, the Cuban society is goring through an obvious convulsive period that needs to be stopped as it may lead into irreversible chaos and could end in a national tragedy of countless proportions. For us, the lawyers integrating the Cuban Legal Association, one of the unavoidable immediate steps to take is to contribute to the gradual, but progressive, establishment of an authentic state of Law in the country, which will restore all the prerogatives that correspond to free citizens of modern states.

Despite all the difficulties ahead, the signing by the Cuban government of the United Nations Political and Civil Rights Agreement, and the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Agreement has lit a flame of hope, though truly small and hesitant, at the end of the tunnel we have been going through for many years.

Our task will, therefore, be directed to:
1. Contribute to the legal education of the population of the country.
2. Inform the Cuban people about the Agreements signed by the Cuban government on their behalf.
3. Offer, within the range of our possibilities, free legal assistance or consultancy to Cubans who require or need them.
4. Any other undertaking within the profile of our profession as lawyers.

CLA Directive Staff.

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